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5th Meeting
September 29, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
Town Hall, 1196 Main Street

Members Present: Sheila Bachant, Cynthia Bazinet, Dawn Torres-Gale, Al Ferron, Anthony Gribbons, James Jumonville, Otto Lies

Members Absent: n/a

Staff: Johannah Adams, Computer Project Coordinator - Police Department

Also Present: n/a


Called to Order: 7:05 PM

C. Bazinet moved, S. Bachant seconded to approve minutes of 9/15 meeting with one amendment. Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstain: 2. Minutes approved as amended.

A. Ferron introduced new member Dawn Torres-Gale (replacing Carmelo Bazzano (resigned) ).

A. Ferron informed the Committee that he called some police departments arbitrarily and in confidence to gather input about Civil Service ("CS") and non-CS pros and cons. He distributed a handout outlining their responses. The handout is available upon request.

Regarding the handout, S. Bachant noted that the type of local government (i.e. Board of Selectmen, "strong" Town Manager, etc.) might affect the various towns' take on CS and non-CS.

D. Torres-Gale asked what happens if exam results in a tie. A. Gribbons explained that all of the tied applicants would be included on the list in the same numerical position. Scores are not printed on the list; the appointing authority does not know what the scores are. Appointing authority (in Holden, the Town Manager) can call for a new exam or use the list with the tied applicants.

A. Ferron offered to call more towns to gather additional information, at which time the Committee should have enough input to complete its charter.

A. Ferron suggested that a public hearing be held. The Committee agreed that time will be set aside at the beginning of the next two meetings specifically for public comment. J. Adams will send an item announcing this to The Landmark.

For the benefit of the new Committee member, Chief George Sherrill's previous comments were outlined. (See minutes of 9/1/09 meeting). The main points were:
        > CS results in non-political law enforcement
        > The cost of exams, hearings, etc., is borne by CS, not the Town
        > CS provides objective disciplinary arbitration
        > CS helps to retain high quality personnel, due to the fairness of the promotional system

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 15th, 2009 @ 5:30 PM, Selectmen's Room
Adjourned: 7:55 PM
